
Showing posts from October, 2021

Être vu & reconnu est tout ce qui compte!

Être vu & reconnu est tout ce qui compte! Avec des idées fraiches, je vais dynamiser votre activité en ligne. Vous avez besoin de conseils en ligne pour attirer les internautes vers votre entreprise? Je peux vous aider !  Commençons par discuter et identifier vos problèmes et vos objectifs. J'offre une variété de stratégies de marketing numérique (SEO & SEM), de médias sociaux et de développement de sites web. Je peux vous aider à développer ou à démarrer votre activité en ligne. Mes services de marketing Internet sont : le développement de sites Web, l'optimisation des moteurs de recherche (seo), la publicité pour les services locaux de Google, le marketing des médias sociaux, le marketing par courriel, la publicité par paiement au clic (ppc) et les services publicitaires de remarketing. CONTACT ME! AUDIT GRATUIT - Within 48 heures ================ Mobile/WhatsApp/LINE : 0802526664 Email : ================

Give your project a boost online!

Give your project a boost online!  I can help!  Let's start by discussing and identifying your issues and goals. I offer a variety of digital marketing strategies (SEO & SEM), social media and website development. CONTACT ME! AUDIT GRATUIT - Within 48 heures ================ Mobile/WhatsApp/LINE : 0802526664 Email : ================

Looking to Grow or Start your Online Business & drive better sales during this Covid-19 situation?

Looking to Grow or Start your Online Business & drive better sales during this Covid-19 situation? Small or large online business, I can definitely Help you! With my experiences, I will immediatly understand your needs & I will work very fast! FREE AUDIT - Within 48 Hours This audit of your online business is an in-depth look at your website, your structure, your social media and your competitors.  I will advise what you should do online to drive more traffic & sales.  Or, I could advise you how to start an e-commerce business. CONSULTING & EXECUTIVE STRATEGIES Starting Kit from 6,000THB/Month (to be discussed depending of your needs). +Website strategy, concept & design. +Website analysis, advise & maintenance. +Google Business setup & Analytics.  +Creation of professionals pictures and videos Ad's. +All Socials Medias posts & videos.  Have an online project that you need professional advice ? CONTACT ME! ================ Mobile/WhatsApp +66(0)80252

If it's done well and continuously, the Digital Marketing services have proven to increase your store views, leads, sales & revenue.

  That's right & there's no doubt about it!  If it's done well and continuously, the Digital Marketing services have proven to increase  your store views, leads, sales & revenue. Marketing has changed more in the past 10 years than it had in the previous 100— launching us out of the age of TV spots and print ads and into the age of websites, online video,  social media, and Google. Consumers today are connected to the web 24/7— Adults now spend upwards of 6 hours per day consuming digital media! I can Help you to Grow or Start your Online Business. Try it! FREE AUDIT - Within 48 Hours This audit of your online business is an in-depth look at your website, your structure,  your social media and your competitors.  I will advise what you should do online to drive more traffic & sales.  Or, I could advise you how to start an e-commerce business. CONTACT ME! ================ Mobile/WhatsApp +66(0)802526664 Line : 0802526664 Email : ===========