Looking to Grow or Start your Online Business & drive better sales during this Covid-19 situation?

Looking to Grow or Start your Online Business & drive better sales during this Covid-19 situation?

Small or large online business, I can definitely Help you!
With my experiences, I will immediatly understand your needs & I will work very fast!

FREE AUDIT - Within 48 Hours
This audit of your online business is an in-depth look at your website, your structure, your social media and your competitors. 
I will advise what you should do online to drive more traffic & sales. 
Or, I could advise you how to start an e-commerce business.

Starting Kit from 6,000THB/Month (to be discussed depending of your needs).
+Website strategy, concept & design.
+Website analysis, advise & maintenance.
+Google Business setup & Analytics. 
+Creation of professionals pictures and videos Ad's.
+All Socials Medias posts & videos. 

Have an online project that you need professional advice ?

Mobile/WhatsApp +66(0)802526664
Line : 0802526664
Email : bourdin.bruno@gmail.com
